Hi, I'm Dr. Emma Diaz
Living with trauma is exhausting, and it's a real confidence killer. Trauma steals your bright vibrant life and replaces it with a long list of things you can't do anymore. There's a lot of grief in this process - the life you could have had, the person you would have been. You want to move on, but you're stuck reliving your painful memories.
I come from a family breaking cycles of generational trauma. And it's not easy. I get it - I've seen the pain and loss that comes from experiencing the things no one should have to experience. The guilt and self-blame that rides shotgun every day of your life. I got into this work because I'm tired of seeing trauma steal people's lives. Trauma has already taken enough time from you, the buck stops here. I'm passionate about this work because I've seen people change their life with a commitment to change and the scary decision to embrace their vulnerability. There's no feeling like watching that light bulb go off. The one that helps a person realize that they're not a victim of their past, they're a badass whose survived the worst. And will keep on surviving, and maybe even help others do the same. I'm good at this work because I'm empathetic and nonjudgmental. But more than that, I'm honest, even when it's hard. I'll challenge you to engage with your life again. I'll ask you to think about the hard stuff and trust that you'll make it through the other side. I'm not just a therapist. I'm a cheerleader and a supporter - I'll hold hope when life feels impossible. ​​​​
As a therapist, I promise to:
Tell you the truth
Challenge you to do the things that will make you better, even when it's hard as hell
Sit with you in the sadness and grief
Cheer with you when you get some wins under your belt
Show up authentically (aka, referencing Sabrina the Teenage Witch whenever possible)
I'm not going to lie to you - this work isn't easy. But it's worth it. And you don't have to do it alone. Let's get going - we have work to do.
My Approach
Emotion Regulation
Learn to safely experience and express your emotions.
Stop living in the future. Enjoy the present.
Practice self-kindness and human connection.
Make what you have feel like enough.